Week 13

The dry season is coming to an end and before the rainy season starts, we are having big problems to get the water we need to continue building. On Monday the deposit at the school was completely dry so we could only work half day, preparing the mixes and small things for the next days. At the same time and although it sounds nonsense, it rained during the whole day. Fortunately we had covered all the walls with plastic sheets.

On Tuesday the situation with the water had not improved, but the workers decided to find water no matter how and after asking around in different places they found water up in the river and they brought it from there.

At the end of the week we decided to go with Mr. Matoli to Tarakea to visit the Division Officer and Kiliwater Office and complain about the water problem, as there is no way to continue with the works without water. After exposing our arguments, they promised us that the next day in the afternoon we would have water and luckily on Saturday water finally arrived at the school.

On the site, after destroying the cob wall we have decided to build the middle wall with rammed earth and shelves for books. This week the carpenter built them and we placed them inside the library. We finally finished tampering all the walls of the perimeter and only the middle wall is remaining.

In the meanwhile, Primli has been working on the overfundation for the verandah and the bench, placing the stones and the cement. We have also placed the formwork to pour the mixture for the two columns of the main facade.

About the basketry, we continued on our mission to find somebody who knows how to weave the baskets but it seems that there is no one around who can help us. We also tried ourselves to destroy some baskets and continue the pattern but it is not that easy.

On Sunday we went to Kimaniatu village and we met Primli´s family. They were very nice and welcome and we enjoyed the visit very much.

Our little friend Anna has been helping us a lot this week.
We have bought several baskets to destroy and try to continue the pattern.
Our garden full of bamboo poles and rest of basketry.
Primli working on the over foundations of the verandah.
The workers gave a try to the basketry but unfortunately eventually they gave up.
Placing the formwork to pour the mixture of the columns.
Our friend Steve brought us to a man who maybe knew about basketry but he did not.
Even Mr. Matoli brought a friend to ask about the basketry.
In the district office to talk about the big problem of the lack of water.
Primli preparing the mixture for the columns.
Anatoli pouring the mixture inside the formwork.

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