Week 2

We went to Moshi to visit the work from Shift Design, who are building a dining room next to Magereza Primary School. The building is made out of compressed earth blocks, with the use of bamboo to reinforce the structure. They gave us very useful tips and recommendations. We wish them all the best for their last weeks before they return back to New Zealand.

We started the works! The first steps in the construction process were to clear the site, level it and compact it. To mark out the walls and foundations a grid was created using string nailed to wood sticks as guide. Afterwards and for the next few days we dag the foundations until we reached hard soil.

We have received trucks of stones and sand to start building the foundations as soon as possible!

Our bohemian neighbour from Congo came home with his guitar and we had a nice evening together.

On Sunday morning we joined our friend Samweli at Kasirwa´s church, where we were delighted by their nice singings and their hospitality. The mass ended up with an auction where we received different vegetables as present.

Dining room by Shift Design
Together with Shift Design Team
Taking measures of the site to start with the works
Cleaning the site
Nacho and Samweli digging the foundations
Our loyal audience always watching the construction process
Lea taking a nap under the banana trees after a hard day of work
More digging
First truck of stones arrived but they were far too big
Midday break and the cows visit
Lara, Jose and the white little calf
Inside of Kasirwa Evangelical Lutheran Church
Auction after the mess

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